When women start wearing high heels we just say, “Oh, that’s just normal.” But when men wear high heels in this day and age it’s a bit odd. However, if it’s for a good cause, I think everyone should pitch in. A company in Australia started this campaign of men wearing high heels and walking a good mile in them. It’s not just for show or having a painful dose of fun but rather for striking awareness to everyone.
Domestic violence against women in Australia is a growing concern and this private company launched an awareness campaign to battle violence against women and to show everyone that this is an alarming situation. Over a hundred men and women were involved in this annual high heeled 1 mile journey to participate in the campaign.
Last year, the group managed to raise over $30,000 and is now aiming at $100,000. All the proceeds will be allocated accordingly to different charity events and women’s advocate groups. It’s quite pleasing to see that high heels can have such a huge impact in preventing hostility against women in Australia. Hopefully, this kind act will grow even more popular and that their aim will succeed until all forms of violence against women have stopped and not just locally but abroad as well. What are you waiting for? You should join the hike too!