The history of high heels isn’t as colorful as you think. There were times when high heels were completely forgotten like it was erased from the pages of time and then later reemerges. In a nutshell, the history of high heels is like the tides. Sometimes it’s on high and sometimes it’s low. Let’s check out what high heels were before you and I got to know them:
During the reign of King Louie XIV, he had this obsession with high heels that he, as so much would kill a person if he saw them wearing something similar to his signature red bottom high heels. Yes, you guessed it right. That’s where the fancy red bottom shoes you know of today came from. King Louie XIV also had a portrait of himself showcasing his newly and well-crafted pair of high heeled shoes.
When the Enlightenment came, the use of high heels ceased. When people had the idea of favoring the more practical things in life, high heels slowly declined its use. It was deemed to be more of just a fashion and nothing necessary. At that time, high heels slowly faded in time until a few decades later.
In the early 1950’s, Christian Dior, a famous fashion designer reinvented the concept of high heels and brought upon the contemporary concept of high heels. To this date, we still use high heels both as for fashion and as a daily commodity especially in the office sector.