We have seen women wearing high heeled shoes for as long as we can remember. It has somewhat become a staple in a woman’s closet. There are many reasons behind the wearing of these shoes and it goes far beyond than just looking pretty. There’s a rich history behind how women got about wearing high heeled shoes, but let’s not go down that road for now. Let’s take a close inspection on why women love high heels and why they would risk the pain just to have them on. Check this out:
It’s a fact that women like pretty things that when it comes to being pretty, nice, fashionable, and all that, high heeled shoes top the list. Well, although this is true for most women, others might find a more practical use for them.
Today, the women in our society don’t just wear high heels to boost their femininity but rather to give themselves a better, more refined look. Have you ever seen a woman wear flat shoes to work? You can just count them with your fingers if ever you see a couple. It’s rather become a conventional way of how women dress up nowadays and it’s not just to look good but rather to up the standards. Though it is unquestionable that high heeled shoes emphasizes a woman’s physique (her curves), it has become a rather common sight for all of us.