Studies have shown that men are more inclined to women that wear high heels than those who don’t. A French research group has tested this theory and put it to the test. The test was carried out in an isolate area where a control was used to determine whether the theory is true or not.
There were four separate tests. Two was conducted on men and two for women. The control was male so to test the theory. The first test was conducted over a 100 men. The men were isolated and were walking alone which was the perfect environment for the test. The first test was on how men reacted to a woman in need of help while she was wearing high heels. 86% out of 100 men have helped the woman out. However, the second test showed something different. The control wore the same clothes and everything but this time with flat shoes. The test resulted with 43% of the men helping her out. That’s a whopping half of the number of men that helped the control with high heel shoes on.
The test conducted with women showed the same results whether or not the control wore flats or high heels. The test directly indicated that men are in fact, more attracted to women who are wearing high heels than those who don’t. Women on the other hand, didn’t care at all.