High heeled shoes can cost so much. As a matter of fact, some designer shoes can even cost around $1000 or even more. If the price doesn’t make you want to take care of your shoes, then you must be filthy rich. On the other hand, if you're like me, you should be careful with these shoes because they are quite expensive and I really don’t like seeing shoes being ruined over nothing. Check out these 3 tips that will help you keep your high heeled shoes in pristine condition:
I have plenty of leather shoes and the moment that I see the shine getting dull, I polish them right away. My cobbler told me that leather shoes can lose their shine over time because they rely on moisture to keep them that way. Now, the moisture can evaporate leaving you with dull leather shoes. To replenish the moisture and essential oils in the leather, you must polish them at least once a week to keep it real shiny.
One of the many things that I do to my high heels is have an extra rubber sole added onto the existing one. It may sound redundant but it can help add more years to your shoes.
The heel tips can wear out fairly easy so you should replace them once they are halfway worn. I take them to the cobbler immediately to prevent further damage and it’s cheaper to get the tips replaced rather than having to buy a new pair.