You’ve probably heard of the line “no pain, no gain” before especially when it involves working out. However, when it comes to wearing high heels, is it really worth all the pain to put 5” heels on? It is somehow true that to wear high heels you need to endure some changes that involves pain like the change in the angle of the feet. On the other hand, does it really pay off to live with the pain or is it possible to wear high heels and at the same time remain completely comfortable? Let’s find out:
A lot of women can attest to the pain that high heels can bring. In fact, a lot of serious foot injuries have spawned from the use of high heeled shoes. First of all, it’s not the shoes that’s the problem but how to wear them. The most common conception about high heeled shoes is that it would be fine to wear 5” high shoes. Although looking at a woman wearing them might look really enticing, it can really deal a huge amount of pain especially for novices who haven’t had that much encounter with high heels yet.
There are a lot of ways in which high heels can be used comfortably. The only difference is, you need to sacrifice a couple inches off those heels to do it. However, moderate use or taking regular breaks within usage can greatly reduce the stress.