High heeled shoes has long been in existence. Throughout history, high heeled shoes had a variety of uses that are seemingly different than what we are used to seeing today. Let’s take a glimpse back in time and see what high heeled shoes was used for back then and how it is used and applied to our daily lives today:
Back in the early days, prostitutes had a very problematic time. There were too many of them and too less customers. It was a cut throat business and finding a different approach is necessary. That’s how prostitutes came about the use of high heeled shoes. These shoes spanned heels of up to 18 inches tall both on the front and back end of the shoe.
In the equestrian era, horseback riding was such a pain as riders had difficulty latching on to a horse’s back securing their position. It was a tough time until the Persians influenced the use of high heeled shoes that later on became the medium for horseback riding. Until now, we still use high heeled boots for horseback riding.
Today, there’s a variety of styles and designs for high heels. Some are out of this world while some are sensible. The fashion industry always show off the idea of wearing super high heels but in reality, shorter and more sensible sized heels are the ones that can truly be used for daily activities.