High heeled shoes are not primarily designed to give your comfort. They are more on giving you the edge when it comes to style. However, they are not made to hurt your feet either, but how come many women say that their feet hurts so much after wearing high heeled shoes? There are a couple of reasons why high heels can hurt. Here they are:
If you buy and wear the wrong size of shoes, you will definitely pay the consequences sooner or later. This is the primary culprit that often results to painful feet. That’s why a lot of women can say that it hurts to wear high heels. Another factor that’s related to size is the heels. There’s no denying that women like super high heels and that’s a fact. However, extremely high heels can hurt your feet more than anything else. Keeping it lowered can reduce the risk of having a high heel hangover and other foot problems.
Lastly, there’s the manufacturing process. What are your heels made of? If you ask me, the most comfortable high heels are the leather ones. Although these types of high heels usually cost you a lot, they can certainly be the most relaxing pair that you can own. Other materials like synthetic leather and other plastic materials just don’t make the cut when it comes to comfort.