Have you ever dreamt about wearing high heels without feeling anything except for the feeling of extreme happiness? We’ve all had that fantasy but reality always kicks in and ruins the story. High heels aren’t really made to make your feet comfortable. They are made to look good on you. It’s the bitter truth but that shouldn’t stop you from wearing high heels. There are ways on how you can make wearing high heels easier and relatively comfortable. Check this out:
Let’s start with picking the right pair of high heels. The most comfortable pair of shoes are usually the ones that best fit your feet. It doesn’t matter whether or not the shoes are cheap or expensive, as long as they are comfortable, it’s always a wise decision to buy them.
Size is a big deal. Don’t get overconfident with the heels. Every inch that you wear actually puts pressure on your feet. The lower your heels, the more comfortable it is. Another thing to point out is the thickness of the heel. Did you know that thicker heels are more comfortable? As a matter of fact, thick heels offer a greater surface area which gives your feet sturdy support.
Lastly, choose a set of high heels that have proper heel placement. Make sure that they heel of the shoe goes in line with the heel of your foot. That allows the weight to be disseminated accordingly.