There are a lot of factors that affect our choices. It can be the trend, the looks of the shoe, and mainly our own perception of beauty. No matter how you look at it, we all make choices when we’re buying shoes. Now, the important thing is to make the right choices when we buy them. There’s a simple guide on how to find a nice pair of high heels:

If you're looking for something that can go with almost anything that you have, you need to get yourself a pair of black leather pumps. These type of high heels go with almost anything that you throw at it. Get the ones with the red bottoms and it makes it even sweeter to pair with.
Choose something sensible. Don’t choose anything that you would regret later on. Don’t go too high on those heels. If you're not too familiar with heels, you should stick to a decent sized heel, say 3 inches will do just fine. Lastly, the more you should get your feet measured first. For a more accurate measurement, ask the salesperson to get your measurement using a Brannock Device. This device is used to measure the precise size of the feet both left and right to allow you to get the best fitting shoes. It’s quite easy to use and you’ll get results in a minute or two.