Have you ever wondered why a lot of women swore to never wear high heels again? How about on the internet where you can find all sorts of blogs and websites telling you that high heels aren’t good for you? The fact is, high heels can hurt your feet. That’s the bitter truth. However, anything that’s too much is definitely bad for you. Too much heels or wearing them for too long will definitely be way past pleasure and straight right into pain. Here are a couple of things that you might want to consider the next time you plan on wearing your heels:
First of all, high heeled shoes are not for everyone. Wearing high heels requires a lot of practice and patience. It’s like learning to walk all over again. If you don’t learn to walk on high heels and just slap them on and go for a stroll, you're bound to hurt yourself. Be sure that you are cautious. Heels are dangerous especially the really high ones. However, if you take the time to learn to tame the beast, you will eventually get the hang of wearing heels.
It’s just a couple of inches tall, how hard could it be? Actually, even an inch of heel can make a huge difference. 1 inch could draw the line between comfort and utter pain. When choosing a pair of heels be sure that you choose wisely and pick a pair that’s got a heel height that you can manage.