Why do men find women attractive when wearing high heels? Most of the time, we don’t question how men think about women when they wear these kinds of shoes, we just let them be. However, has it ever crossed your mind or have you ever wondered why men are so attracted to women when they put their shoes on? It’s like a magical makeover the moment that women slip their feet into those shoes.
Studies have shown that high heels causes men to look at women at a more sexual level. Admit it or not, women wearing high heels are more sexually attractive than those who are wearing flat shoes. Well, this only applies for males though. Women don’t really seem to be bothered by the fact about other women wearing sexy high heeled shoes.

It actually originates from our primitive behavior. Men would normally seek the women with the most potential meaning the ones that are more attractive, more beautiful, and you know what’s next. We humans have this primal instinct that we choose our mates over a criteria that’s built into our brain. It’s a natural instinct to be attracted to women who are more beautiful or possess a more stunning physique. That’s just how nature goes and as for high heeled shoes, its one good way of flaunting what Mother Nature has given women and that’s the power to attract men.
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