It’s really sad to see your favorite pair of high heels getting broken, doesn’t it? Not that you won’t be able to buy yourself a new pair but the sentimental value that you put on things just can’t be bought by money. I personally know how it feels which led me to come up with this idea of making a guide on how to keep my high heels in mint condition and hopefully yours too:
Protect your heel tips – the very first thing that will wear out on your high heels is the heel tip. You can prevent the tip of your heel from being damaged with the use of a heel stopper. Not only does it keep your heels from wearing out, it also keeps it from falling through small cracks on the pavement.
Spray on a waterproofing coat – your shoes don’t come out of the box water resistant. It doesn’t hurt to buy a $10 can of water repellant rather than seeing your shoes being destroyed by water. You can get one through the nearest shoe shop.
Cleaning is always necessary – no matter how small the speck of dust you see, always take some time to clean it up. You won’t fully appreciate the cleaning just yet until you’ve seen that your shoes lasted for years.