Your shoes are made to last long enough to get your money’s worth of use. However, things are different for high heeled shoes. These types of shoes are not the most resilient ones around. High heeled shoes could be as brittle as a thin pane of glass. They can break even with the slightest pressure. Though you may think that your heels are virtually indestructible since they can support your weight, but one a slight angle, your heel can break off. That’s why it’s always a good thing to be prepared for the worst. Check out these instant fix tips and hopefully save your day:
Super glue, the instant hardening ones, can really save your day especially when you're in a pinch. It’s helpful to carry around a tube of superglue with your at all times. When you're wearing your thin stilettos, make sure that you come prepared. Sometimes, a little leverage is all it takes to snap your heels in two. On the other hand, superglue can save the day and make it all work out. However, it’s only a temporary fix and you need to take your shoes to the cobbler as soon as you're done with your day.
Bring some back up. It wouldn’t hurt to bring along another pair of shoes with you. Shoes too bulky for your purse? No problem! You can buy those roll up shoes that can slip into your purse with no problem and they are portable enough that no one would notice you bringing them.