Is there any truth to the matter than men are more likely to go for the women who wear heels than those who don’t? Well, have been researches made about this subject and most of them point to the same conclusion. High heeled shoes do make a difference and here’s why:
Women look more attractive in high heels. How? Can you notice a woman’s legs when she wears high heels? Her legs look longer, thinner, and more appealing to the eyes. Although high heeled shoes just make the illusion of better looking legs, it is one of the reasons why men want women wearing high heels.
Another fact is that high heeled shoes accentuate a female’s femininity. When women wear high heeled shoes, they arch their back making their bust more prominent, the buttocks look larger, and over all, it makes a woman sexier. Men is by nature, attracted to women with better figures. Not to discriminate the rest of the population of women, but men are just picky when it comes to women. Well, I guess that works the other way around too. However, when it comes to high heels, men are just suckers for those sexy stilettos.