A lot of women are worried about hurting their feet every single time they put on a pair of high heels. There’s a common association between pain and high heels and all women who wear high heels can attest to this. On one hand, it can hurt your feet at leave it sore for quite a while. On the other, you can find ways that can eliminate the pain of wearing high heels if not lessen the burden of walking in on them. Here’s how:
Change the way you walk. The essential part of wearing high heels is how you walk in on them. However, there is a huge difference between walking with normal shoes on and with high heels. Basically, wearing high heels means you need to change the way you walk. You need to differentiate your regular shoes with your pumps.
When you walk, you don’t need to stretch your feet outwards to take huge steps. Not that you really should, but the high heels make it nearly impossible to do so. Take baby steps at first until you get used to walking with short steps. Also, you need to keep in mind that you should walk from heel to toe. Don’t ever forget this one. Some women tend to walk tiptoe while wearing heels and that can only spell disaster for them.