At some point in time, your heels will give up on you and your favorite set of footwear will be no more. However, this is not always the case. High heeled shoes can last a good while if taken care of properly. More importantly, you will be seeing your investment last a couple years longer with the right amount of care. Check out these tips on how to extend the life of your high heels:
First of all, high heeled shoes are not built for extreme environments. That’s why, if you're thinking that it’s just fine for your shoes to get wet, your totally wrong. Water can be a huge factor that can determine whether or not a couple years more can be added to your shoes. Never let the elements get the best of you and your shoes. You can easily add a year or more to those heels should you keep usage at a minimum and exposure to the elements at low.
Storage is a huge concern. Although you might think that your shoes are just lying there and that nothing could possibly go wrong, there are still chances of your shoes being damaged. Again, water is not something you want for your shoes. Never store your shoes in an area where they are prone to get wet. Never store your shoes while they are soaking wet or still in the process of drying.