Would it be good to spend like $400 or $500 on a single pair of shoes? Well, there isn’t really that much to stop if you’ve got the money to burn. However, for the thrifty people (especially the most frugal ones) would like to have a more, less expensive choice. However, let’s leave that for later.
High-end shoes, especially those that come with really steep price tags, are made with great attention to detail. That means you won’t find any loose seams or any rough edges. These kinds of shoes are refined to the nth level. Of course, with the amount that they charge, they need to build a solid foundation and that means offering high quality shoes.
If you ask me, I will buy any kind of shoe as long as I like it and it fits in my budget. For expensive shoes, I normally buy them to save for special occasions. You’ll never know when a classic pair of red bottom stilettos will come in handy. Other than that, having expensive shoes is more like buying yourself a pair of bragging right. That’s right, there's no need to be shy ladies. We’ve all got some friends that we like to see drooling out of envy with our shoes. Anyway, expensive shoes are good investments and will probably last you a good while before you’d need to have them replaced.
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