The high heeled shoes that you know of can’t last long enough for you to enjoy them if you’re not too careful enough. Your shoes are your investments. No matter how cheap they are, they still deserver that tender loving care. Check out these tips on how to maintain your shoes:
Your high heeled shoes need to be cleaned every time you use them. It may not be easy to notice it at first but small dust particles can settle on your shoe and accumulate over time. Other than dust, you should give your shoes a good wiping to ensure that they are clean enough before you put them in your shoe rack.
Polish your shoes to get the most out of your leather shoes. The leather high heeled shoes that you have may not last long enough if they go dry. Dab a fair amount of shoe polish on your leather shoes to ensure that they are moisturized and shiny at all times. When the signs of wear and tear show up, take them to the cobbler as soon as possible. The very first part that wears out on your high heels are the heel tips. To avoid further damage, you should take them to your cobbler immediately to get them replaced. It’s cheap but can extend the lifespan of your high heeled shoes.