Women look gorgeous when wearing high heels and there’s no doubting that. However, at the end of the day, we also know what goes on after we take those heels off. Though beautiful, high heels can leave your feet feeling sore. Much to that, it can hurt your feet in other ways that can be permanent. Anyway, the best way to soothe a pair of sore feet is to do the following tips:

1.) If you have the option of standing on a wooden floor and on a soft rug, better go for the rug. High heels can take a toll on your feet and hard surfaces just add up to the pain. 2.) Your heels are fine but if you want your feet to last long enough and stay in them, try to use some soft gel insoles or soft paddings to lighten things up a bit. 3. Wool stockings are way better than synthetic counterparts. Wool absorbs moisture better and reduces friction.
4. After partying all night, soak your feet the next morning with an Epsom salt solution to reduce inflammation. 5. Stretching your feet is very important. Before wearing high heels, stretch your feet to warm up your muscles and again after wearing them to reduce tension. 6. Your feet needs time to recover and to speed things up, rest your feet on soft materials like a pillow.