Have you ever wondered why women wear high heels? I can often hear people complaining about high heels and how much their feet hurt after wearing them. That seems quite odd because a lot of women buy high heels and not just your ordinary $100 pair but even more expensive. So, what drives women into purchasing these expensive shoes when in fact, they hurt so much? Here’s a couple of reasons I’ve collected from women you wear high heels and why:
One of the most common thing that you would notice when women are wearing high heels is that they appear taller. That’s right, some women (not all of them) wear high heels just so they could look a little bit taller. Although some women don’t really need the added height but still they wear them.
Most men would notice women a bit more when they see those wearing high heels. As a matter of fact, research has shown that men do find women more attractive and sexier when they wear high heels. Although not all women use high heels just for the show but it does give them a lot of attention.
Last but not least, high heels are confidence boosters or so do women say that it is. When you're short and don’t really like how tall you are, you should be wearing high heels. When we asked women about this question, a lot of them responded the same thing. High heels give them more confidence.