Now, here’s something interesting, did you know that men in the Middle Ages wore high heels to keep them from stepping on dog and cat poop on the streets? Didn’t see that coming did you? Here are some trivia and a little bit about the history of high heels:

A very long time ago in Venice, prostitutes came up with the idea of wearing 18 inch shoes to be tall enough to see customers from a distance. These 18 inch monstrosities are what we know as high heels. Although they might not look like the ones we have today but when you see one, it will surely ring a bell.
Women wore high heels in the past as an act of rebellion against men. During that time, women did not have equal rights as men which is why they wore high heels to protest their rights and equality. Thus leading to a new generation of high heels.

In 1950, pornographers started using high heels to promote their nude models which made their female parts more prominent. Three years later, Christian Dior went ahead and brought back the idea of wearing high heels which has sprung the new sensation. To this date, women still wear high heels and almost every women you know owns a pair. These are just tidbits of the actual history of high heels but it helps to know where they came from and who were responsible for making them what they are today.