Do you like to shop for shoes? Before you go rushing in for the next big sale, check out these shoe shopping guidelines to help you get the bang for your buck:

Know your spending limit. Be cautious about what you buy and how you buy them. If you’ve already got a couple pair of high heels, there would be no sense to grab another sale of the same items. Don’t buy on impulse. Doing so will only land you on debt. Instead, make a list of the things that you need to buy and wait for the perfect moment when you can buy them on sale.

Do late day shopping. Your feet and other parts of the body swell and shrink back at different times of the day. Knowing when your feet are at its maximum size would help a lot. Shop at the end of the day where your feet has fully expanded.
Get to know your feet a little better. Find out which arch type your feet are. Wet your feet and step on a paper towel. This will show you your arch type and allow you to find a more suitable and comfortable pair of high heels for you.
If it don’t fit, don’t buy it! That’s a simple yet very effective rule. Don’t purchase anything that does not fit on you. No matter how good it may look on you, if it does not fit, do not buy it.