High heels have a very notorious reputation of making people’s feet hurt. Not just a few women but all women who wore high heels have experienced sore feet after wearing high heels. There seems to be no escaping the pain until recently that I discovered there are ways on how to keep your feet from hurting. Here’s a collaboration of my research as well as some tips from friends on how to keep your feet pain-free:
Give yourself a break. The first thing that I noticed is that, if you wear your high heels each day for lengthy durations, you’ll still feel the pain even if you’d made from precautions. Be sure to skip wearing high heels for like, a day or two. This will give your feet ample time to recover and alleviate the pain.
Good fitting shoes only! This is a strict rule. You should not wear or buy any pair of heels that do not fit. It is essential that you put your feet into something that fits. There’s no exception for this even if it’s a high-end brand or top class design. If it does not fit, you should keep it away from your feet at all costs.
Limit the size. Don’t exaggerate the size of your heels. You should not wear a heel size that is beyond your comfort zone. This will only make it worse for your feet as well as it can damage them.