These shoes are not only available in brown shades but it can also be purchased in different colors. It is a mainstay footwear fashion that almost every lady loves. They are known for their versatility and the comfort that it brings to its wearers.

If you have one and you’re planning to use it, you need to make sure that you match it with the right outfit. You can check the outfits worn by several celebrities if you want to have an idea of the things that you can wear.

If you are planning to use it casually, then you can go for one that has small heels. This type is known for the comfort that it gives its wearer even if it used for the entire duration of their work hours. If you are planning to use it every day, it would be ideal to opt for one that has a neutral shade.

This is also perfect for skinny jeans and those jeans that fall just above the top of the boots. It will bare only a little part of your legs but will surely create a wonderful look.

Other great outfits that will work with this pair are capris, t-shirts, jackets, mini-skirts and a lot more.