Noting the fact that all shoes wear out eventually, some ladies find it quite hard to justify the reason why they should buy high priced shoes. This leads them to shop for affordable ones instead. However, it does not meant that just because you are buying economical ones means you will also look cheap. By knowing how to make the right design choice, your affordable shoes can look pretty expensive.

First of all, buying a shoe that is too big or one that has a bad fit will make it look cheap even if it really was priced high. Always remember that even if the pair looks extremely gorgeous, if it doesn’t fit you, you should never purchase them. You will not only end up looking cheap but you will also be wasting good money.

Shoes that have too much embellishment is also not a good choice. Having complicated designs can turn one good shoe into something that’s not worth buying. Do not buy a pair just because you want to make a wild statement. An elegant choice is always one that is simple yet highlights its most beautiful aspects like the heels, the placement of straps and so forth.

If you love shoes that are printed, the best choice is one that has one single type of print. That looks more elegant compared to others that have a mix of different ones. Lastly, make sure that you can walk in them comfortably. Even if you purchase an expensive one yet you don’t know how to wear them, it will end up being useless. Not only that, it will also reduce the shoe’s elegance apart from negatively affecting your overall appeal.